
DIY Homemade Finger-paint for Kids

Finger Painting Fun at Home!

By Macaroni KID July 29, 2022

Finger Painting is Fun! Did you know you can DIY finger-paint for your kids? One of my favorite memories when I was little was of finger-painting. There is just something about covering your hands and fingers with paint and just sliding them around to make a fun design. The end result always looks to cool and unique. Here is a recipe to make finger-paint for your kids. It's easy and cost less than store bought and when your run out - just make some more.

Get Messy! Have Fun! Finger-painting!

DIY Finger-Paint Recipe

Supplies needed:

  • 1 Cup Flour
  • 2 Tablespoons Salt
  • 1 1/2 Cups Cold Water
  • 1 1/4 Cups Hot Water
  • Food Coloring

How to:

  1. Combine the flour, salt, and cold water in a saucepan.
  2. Beat with a wire whisk until smooth.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat, & slowly stir in hot water.
  4. continue stirring until the mixture boils & begins to thicken.
  5. Remove from heat & beat with a whisk until smooth.
  6. Divide the mixture into several containers.
  7. Add food coloring to each container and stir.

Get to painting!