
Frozen Bananas - a Tasty and Healthy Treat

A Yummy Cool Snack Kids Love

By Macaroni KID June 22, 2024

Summer is here and so is the hot weather. The kids want cool snacks - you want healthy snacks. This quick and easy recipe for frozen bananas is a solution to both and is sure to become a summertime favorite. Your kids will love this healthy and fun to make snack and, we all know that when our kids get involved in cooking and creating, it is likely they will eat their "project."  Set out the bowls of toppings and let the kids have at it! 

Frozen Chocolate Dipped Bananas

Prep Time: 5 minutes + Cook Time: 5 minutes = Total Time: 10 minutes

What you’ll need:

The quantity of ingredients can be adjusted to fit your family size

  • 3 or more bananas, cut in half width-wise, to make six pieces - depending on the banana size you might need more than 3
  • 8 ounces of chocolate chips, melted
  • toppings: granola, chopped nuts, shredded coconut or crispy rice cereal
  • 6 Popsicle sticks
  • waxed paper
  • bowls for the toppings

Macaroni Tip:  Consider making a double or even triple batch as these are sure to be a kid favorite go-to summer-time snack


  1. Push a Popsicle stick through the cut end of each banana.
  2. Cover the bananas in plastic wrap or place in an airtight container and freeze until hard - about four hours.
  3. After the bananas are frozen, spread with the melted chocolate.
  4. Dip each chocolate covered banana in the topping of choice and place on a piece of waxed paper.
  5. Refreeze until ready to serve.
