
Annual Father's Day Tea

Our Tradition..What's Yours?

By Debby Perry - City of Pittsburgh Macaroni Kid June 13, 2013

Every Father's Day my girls and I wake up to hurriedly ready the living room for our super special Father's Day Tea Party. We take the old beat up Ikea kids table and quickly haul it into the living room before Daddy wakes up. Then we begin the special preparations! 

1. Super beautiful table cloth. CHECK!

2. Mommy pulls out the, GASP, "pretty plates and forks that we aren't allowed to touch on regular days." CHECK.

3. We bust open a can of cinnamon rolls and put them into the oven. CHECK.

4. We pour the milk or O.J. into TEA CUPS on REAL SAUCERS! (while Mommy grimaces with each CLINK). CHECK.

5. We yell at the dogs to STAY AWAY -- when we plate up the fresh baked cinnamon rolls.  CHECK. 

6. We get dressed in our Sunday Morning Finest. Peyton chooses a Princess Dress and Emma usually stays in her nightgown. CHECK.

7. We might even brush our teeth. SEMI-CHECK!

8. We run up the stairs to get Daddy and SQUEAL to him HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! CHECK, CHECK, CHECK!

9. THEN we demand, "You have to put on a nice shirt and TIE!" CHECK.

10. We show Daddy to his special seat at our table and enjoy our 5th annual Father's Day Tea with Daddy.

A tradition I hope we never stop. CHECK!