
10+ Fun Things to Do when it Rains + Other Local Rainy Day Fun

Rainy Day Fun in Conejo Valley, Malibu, Calabasas, Thousand Oaks and in Southern California

By Brenna Gutell March 3, 2025

It's raining it's pouring . . .  well - you know the rest. We don't always get a lot of rain here in SoCal, but we have our days. And when we do you just might be looking for something fun for your kids to do. No matter if you are going to hunker down at home or want some ideas of where to go or maybe you are brave enough to let them play in the rain, either way Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas has you covered.

Are you looking for ideas of fun things for your kids to do when it's raining out? 

My boys Loved to play out in the rain and honestly, I didn't mind when they did - sort of. I did have some rules, I "tried" to get them to wear waterproof shoes before heading out. Do you know how long it takes wet shoes to dry when it's cold out? Foorr-eeverr, that's how long. I would grab a lot of towels while they played and I didn't let them past the entry way with their soaking clothes if I could help it.

Some years I was lucky enough to find them raincoats, rainboots and an umbrella before the wet weather hit. Not always easy to find in local stores, you might have to plan ahead and order online to prepare for the next storm.

When they are done playing outside or if you would rather keep them dry inside I've gathered lots of ways to keep your kids enriched and engaged indoors on those oh so wet days.

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Here are some fun things for your family to do when you would rather not go outside.

TimeImage via Canva

1.  Read a Book

Rain days are a great chance to snuggle up and read together or independently. Want to encourage your kids to read more? Did you know that having books in your home, reading to your children or just having them see you read is a great way to peak their interest? Don't forget the online options, there are lots of Storytime book readings online. There are apps where you or your kids can read books online including read to me for the littles and lets not forget all of the libraries also have free online options too.

Visit the Library

Many of our local libraries have so much more to offer than just books - many of them have play areas for the littles with toys, puppets and stuffies plus they also have music and videos for you to borrow - some even offer video games. Don't forget to ask the librarian for help, I've found some of my favorite books from their recommendations. We have lots of great local libraries to choose from.

Ventura County Libraries

Los Angeles County Libraries

fizkes from Getty Images via Canva

2. Keep Moving

You'll need to help them get those sillies out from being cooped up indoors + you'll have a blast too!

  • Have a dance party: Crank the tunes, grab your kids and just get moving.  
  • Play classic games: Freeze Dance and Simon Says

3. Make some Dough

Playdough that is! You can use store bought or find lots of different recipes online. If you don't have any tools head to your kitchen drawers.

Here are some recipes you can make at home:

galitskaya via Canva

4. Get Slimy

There is nothing my kids love more than slime - I can't say I feel the same. Anytime you're stuck at home is a great time to make some slime! 

Here are some you recipes you can make at home:

5. Clear the Clutter

While this one might not be as much fun, if your closets, bins and drawers are bulging at the seams, stay at home days are a great time to sort out clothes and toys that are no longer needed anymore. There are lots of local places you can post online or drop off donations to give away no longer needed items.

 Suwanb from Getty Images

6. Get Crafty and Creative

Grab some toys or craft supplies you have at home like paper, scissors and glue - don't forget about the recycling bin it's full of great stuff. Inspire your kids to be creative. 

Here are some more ideas:

7. Play Games

Bring out the board games, cards or make up your own.

wundervisuals from Getty Images Signature via Canva

8. Build an Indoor Fort

Build a fort inside or have an indoor camp-out. Let your kids bring out blankets, pillows and sofa cushions - with permission of course and let them get creative. They can hang out during the day in their "hide-out," a perfect space for reading, watching a movie or playing games. Let them sleep in it - if you dare! You can even set up a small tent inside if you have one. Either one doubles as great sleeping quarters. And because there may be some uncertainty about how much actual sleeping will happen, deem the following day "Pajama Day" — to include lots of movies, books, snacks, and naps!

FamVeld from Getty Images via Canva

9. Play in the Rain - if you dare

Let out kids go out and play in the rain, enjoy feeling the rain on their hands and face and jumping in puddles. If you can dress them in raincoats, hat, hood or umbrella and rainboots, if you don't have rainboots, waterproof shoes like crocs will do. Be ready with the towels - lots of towels to dry them off and their clothes. Warm them up with a hot lunch, yummy soup, hot cocoa or tea - herbal of course.

Snowman Soup - Hot Chocolate: Kid Recommended!

10. Head out for some Indoor Family-Fun

Tired of being stuck at home? There are lots of places around town to escape the rain and find your family fun inside. Indoor play, a meal out, see a show or explore a museum safe and dry inside.

  • Library - Free and educational indoor fun
  • Visit an indoor playground
  • Indoor Trampoline or Bounce house place
  • Play Laser Tag
  • Indoor Kart Racing - check minimum height requirements before heading out 
  • Go to the Movies
  • Indoor Arcade
  • Head to an indoor mall - many have play areas and food courts
  • Go to a Museum
  • Take the kids skating - indoor or ice
  • Create some Art at a local studio
  • Paint Ceramics

Just an FYI these ideas also work on those scorching hot days where you would rather be anywhere but outside. 

More ways to Find Your Family Fun® 

Visit the Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas event Calendar for kid friendly things to do in Agoura Hills, Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Westlake Village, Oak Park, Malibu, Calabasas and nearby in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.

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child out in the rain by Kichigin via Canva