
Potty Training: How an Advent Calendar Helped Us Succeed

Celebrating small wins turn into a big potty training victory

By Stephanie Freeman, publisher of Macaroni KID Dallas-Hiram-Acworth, Ga., and Macaroni KID Marietta-Kennesaw, Ga. December 30, 2023

Potty training can be quite a journey, and I think it's safe to say that every child's experience falls into one of three categories: The Advanced Pottier, the Picky Potty-Goer, or the Potty-Training Resister. 

For those who had the advanced pottier — I congratulate you. You are envied by every other parent who didn't have that experience. You'll never know what it's like to nearly lose your mind over a potty.

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But for the rest of you? Don't worry! As a mom of a picky potty-goer, I can tell you there's hope, and I have a creative potty-training idea to share with you that worked for me: An advent calendar. 

It's the perfect time to pick one up too, since they're on clearance this time of year!

Advent calendar success!

My friend suggested an advent calendar and, intrigued by the idea, we wasted no time ordering a Peppa Pig advent calendar from Amazon. Our daughter was in on the plan, knowing that she would receive a treat every time she successfully pooped on the potty.

I won't say it happened all at once. At first progress was slow. Accidents happened. But eventually she became eager to run to the potty when the time came. Consistency was key.

The moment finally arrived when our child successfully pooped on the potty. The excitement was palpable, as even my husband, stuck in a car with a co-worker, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. 

It was a moment of celebration, marked by earning the first treat from her advent calendar. But it wasn't Peppa. Nope, it was a boat. But she knew there was a Peppa in there somewhere, and she was determined to find it. 

In the end, our child's unwavering commitment to Peppa led to full potty training success.

I am so thankful for the friend who suggested this creative approach. Her advent calendar idea worked wonders for us and made the potty training journey more manageable.

Good luck y'all! You can do it! 

Stephanie Freeman is the publisher of Macaroni KID Dallas-Hiram-Acworth, Ga., and Macaroni KID Marietta-Kennesaw, Ga.