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* ๐ŸŽถ Pizazz Music Camp

1049 S Westlake Blvd.Westlake Village, CA 91361
Phone: 805-497-7884Email: pizazz@umcwv.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Pizazz Music Camp has offered a one week half day summer week of fun music activities since 1993 (except 2020 & 2021). Using a non-religious curriculum, singing, handbell and choir chime ringing, dancing and music enrichment classes are offered for students entering grades 1-8 the next school year. All the details, online application and PayPal payment are available in the website.

This yearโ€™s focus in the enrichment classes will be acting, and the students will create short skits to (hopefully) be included in the Friday evening performance.