
8 Ways to Keep Kids Busy During School Breaks

Make the most of winter time by spending time together

By Ariel Chamberlain, publisher of Macaroni KID Gulfport-Biloxi, Miss. / Brenna Gutell, publisher of Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas January 7, 2024

This season brings lots of fun with friends and family, but you may wonder what to do with the kids when they are off from school. Even though boredom is good for kids and encourages creativity, you may want to have a few options on hand to get them started. These ideas will help you make the most of your kid’s down time . . . and give you a chance to make a few memories along the way.

Here are eight fun and engaging ideas to keep your kids entertained when they have extra time off:

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1. Visit your local library

Take the kids on a trip to your local library. This is a great way to encourage them to read more and get them out of the house for the afternoon. Don't forget to ask the librarian for some recommendations. Some of our favorite books were librarian recomended.

Local Libraries:

Not too far Libraries:

Check the Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas event calendar for library events!

Ketut Subiyanto | Canva

2. Have a holiday movie marathon

Spend some time bingeing on all your favorite movies. Let the family pick a movie, grab some snacks, and cozy up.

3. Host a playdate

Playdates allow your kids to see their friends and give you a break . . . win-win!

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4. Get in the kitchen

Growing up, one of my favorite things was baking with my mother. Not only is it fun, but it is also an excellent way to pass on family recipes and traditions.

3 Favorite Holiday Cookie Recipes to Bake

5. Make appointments 

This might not be considered fun, but winter break is a good time to take care of any necessary appointments, from physicals to the orthodontist. Using this time now means less time off from school and work later.     

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6. Get outside

Bundle up, if you need to, and head to a local park / playground or even your own backyard. Nothing’s better than a little fresh air and exercise from playing outside, even if it's chilly!

Local outdoor places to explore:

More ideas for outdoor fun:

7. Donate or volunteer

Donating old toys and clothes to charity helps teach your kids to appreciate what they have. It also helps make room for any new holiday gifts they may receive. You can also find out if any local shelters or other nonprofits could use a helping hand! Many can find ways for kids to volunteer with a parent.

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8. Go bowling

An afternoon at a bowling alley is always a great time!  

Fun at Home

Here are a few more ideas:

I hope these ideas keep your kids engaged and make lasting memories during their winter break!

Ariel Chamberlain is the publisher of Macaroni KID Gulfport-Biloxi, Miss.