
10+ October Family-Friendly Happenings, Events & Holidays to Celebrate

Meaningful Observances, Causes and Fun Days to Learn About with your Kids - including Halloween!

By Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas October 17, 2023

From fall Holidays to football games and trick-or-treat fun . . . October brings with it all kinds of annual celebrations and traditions! We love this month too because it's a time of transition from hot and warm to what we hope will be cooler weather, you might notice a change in the leaves on the trees and pumpkins are everywhere and I mean everywhere and then it's the start of the holiday season just around the corner.

But that's not all that's happening this month, there is more to October than football, costumes and pumpkin spice! 

It's a month packed with meaningful observances, causes, and fun holidays from Homemade Cookies Day to Halloween and everything in-between like Fire Prevention week, there are lots of important observances, traditions, celebrations and fun taking place in October. Let's not forget the cultural / religious holidays you might want to learn more about like Sukkot and Simchat Torah.

Explore these awesome articles to make the most of holidays that began in September and continue into October, like Hispanic Heritage Month and the Jewish festival of Sukkot! 🎉 

Hispanic Heritage month is September 15 - October 15

Sukkot started at sundown Sept. 29 and ends at sunset  October 6, 2023 and Simchat Torah is October 7-8, 2023

Anytime you're looking for family-friendly and fun things to do!

Be sure to check out the Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas event and activity calendar. It's filled with kid-friendly events in Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Malibu, Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Westlake Village and nearby in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties.

Here are 10 events and holidays and celebrations happening in October:

Todor Tsvetkov from Getty Images 

1. Homemade Cookie Day

October 1

Kickstart October with a sweet tradition: baking homemade cookies with your kids. Check out this fun fall recipe for Caramel Apple Cookies - Yum! 

If your family really loves cookies you are in luck, because October is also National Cookie Month.

Here are a few more cookie recipes to try:

photo_fisher by Getty Images via Canva

Rosh Hashanah

October 2nd - 4th

Embrace the spirit of new beginnings with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year - one of the High Holidays. It's one of the more important holidays observed by Jewish people around the world, like all Jewish holidays it begins at sundown. Many families attend synagogue together and some celebrate with a family meal, often featuring traditional foods. As the sun sets on September 15, many will gather around a table featuring cherished dishes like challah "special bread" and honey-dipped apples, symbolizing hopes for sweetness in the coming year. 

One typical family favorite is Jewish Noodle Kugel there are many different versions, recipe's are often handed down from generation to generation, try this recipe for your family. Looking for something sweet for the end of your meal, try this delicious recipe for Jewish Apple Cake, a popular dish at Rosh Hashanah celebrations. Just know you don't have to be Jewish to enjoy these sweet treats with your family.

Are you looking for ways to celebrate or teach your kids more about this holiday? See the PJ Library's Fall Holidays Guide for helpful information. 

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2. Mental Illness Awareness Week

October 1 - 7

Mental health matters. According to the National Association of Mental Illness - NAMI: 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, 1 in 20 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year, 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year, 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.

If you need help or know someone in need - dial “988” 24/7

 Call anytime to reach trained crisis counselors anywhere in the United States if you need help in a mental health, substance use, or suicide crisis.

More Helpful Resources and articles:

Local Resources

 goceris | Canva

3. Taco Day

October 4

Who said tacos are only for Tuesdays? We're celebrating Taco Day on a Wednesday this year . . . which is fine with us because we love tacos every night of the week! Keep an eye on local restaurants for taco deals to celebrate!

Need some recipes to make tacos for your family?

Wavebreakmedia via Canva

4. Fire Prevention Week

October 8 - 14

Safety first! Use this week to discuss fire safety with your family and ensure your home is prepared for emergencies. 

The National Fire Protection Association - NFPA®, Fire Prevention Week™ theme: “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention™,” works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe when cooking.

Here are some Fire Prevention Safety ideas for your family:

Pamela J Peters via Canva 

5. Indigenous Peoples' Day

October 9

Join the movement to honor and recognize the native people who originally inhabited our lands - observed the second Monday in October. Did you know 19 states in the U.S. + the District of Columbia, along with more than 130 cities across the United States, now observe Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of or in addition to Columbus Day? Indigenous People's Day is Celebrated on the second Monday each October. It's a way to acknowledge, honor and learn more about the people native to our lands. 

Did you know that thousands of years ago our communities in Los Angeles and Ventura county were home to many different Indigenous People?

Want to learn more?

Honor Our Nation’s Indigenous People on October 12

Native People of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties

We have several local places you can visit with your family:

More resources to learn more about the local Native People:


Yom Kippur

October 11th - 12th

Yom Kippur is the holies day of the year for the Jewish People around the world. It's also know as the “Day of Atonement,” during which Jews around the world reflect on their sins from the past year and ask for forgiveness. The focus of the Yom Kippur holiday is introspection and connecting to g-d. To do that adults, including anyone 13 years and older will fast from the start of Yom Kippur at sundown to sundown the next day as Yom Kippur comes to a close - all Jewish holidays begin and end at sundown. Many families and friends will gather together as this holiday ends to share a light meal to "break the fast." 

Yom Kippur is observed as early as mid September or as late as mid October, the date changes every year as it follows the Jewish Calendar. Next year Yom Kippur will begin October 11, 2024 at sundown. 

Helpful resources to help you learn more about Yom Kippur:

Other notable Jewish holidays this Month:

oleksandranaumenko via Canva 

6. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day / Month

October 15 / October 1-31

Throughout this month, families come together to remember and honor the little ones who left us too soon. It's a time for support, understanding, and healing. This is a time for us to honor and remember the lives lost to miscarriage, SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, stillbirth and the death of a newborn or young baby. 

All losses are hard, but it can be even more devastating to a family when the loss is during a pregnancy or that of an infant, it can be even more heartbreaking for the mother. We can use this day to remember the families and offer them support as well.

Hopefully honoring this day can help to break through the silence surrounding these losses. Sadly many women who suffer a pregnancy loss, especially an early loss don't often share what they are going through or even that it happened at all. Not even with their closes friends and family, often mourning quietly alone or with their partner. My heart goes out to anyone currently suffering or who has suffered a loss. 

Sadly I've suffered too many miscarriages' to count, it makes me even more grateful I have both of my boys. I also realize some families are not as fortunate, my heart breaks when I meet women who wanted children, but were unable to have them.  After sharing my good news that shortly after resulted in a loss I didn't want to share about future pregnancies or the losses that came later. Only my husband, doctor and mother knew at the time. Now that so much time has passed I feel more comfortable about sharing, but honestly it's still hard. I still think about the babies that never came. One thing I've found out from sharing this that not only am I not alone, but loss happens so much more often than we realize. Another reason it's so important to offer support anytime we can. 

Life After Pregnancy Loss: One Mom's Story

Related October observances:

More Information:

Vimvertigo from Getty Images Pro via Canva

7. National Friends of Libraries Week

October 16 - 22

Did you know that most if not all of our local libraries are supported by Friends of the Library? They're typically a local non-profit run by volunteers dedicated to a specific library location. They usually accept donations of books and sometimes other items such as movies and music - check each location for specifics. These items can be shared with the library or sold in a "store" who's funds go back to support the library, they are often located inside or nearby the library.

Consider shopping at the library's book store, for grown-up and kids books, some also sell movies and music. 

Visit your local library for more information on how you can help either by volunteering, making a financial donation or donating books or other needed items. 

📚 Use the links below for more information

kali9 via Canva

8. Make a Difference Day

October 21

The fourth Saturday of October is your chance to make a positive impact in the community through volunteer work. Find a project that's meaningful to your family and volunteer! There are lots of kid-friendly options, they can be as easy as taking a walk through your neighborhood, heading to your local park or trail and brining along a bag or container to pick up trash along the way. 

Sergey Novikov via Canva

10. Halloween

October 31

One of the most anticipated holidays of the year for many kids! Dressing up in fun costumes, fun treats, and candy . . . what's not to love? 

Local Pumpkin Patches have so much more than pumpkins - Take a look! 

With Halloween falling on a Tuesday this year expect the weekend prior to be filled with family fun Halloween activities, be sure to check the Macaroni KID Conejo Valley - Malibu - Calabasas event calendar to find all of the great local Halloween activities and events happening!

Month Long Observance

Wavebreakmedia from Getty Images via Canva

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 1-31

October is dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer, the most common cancer among American women with about 250,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Breast Cancer Awareness Month acts as a reminder to prioritize breast health and support those affected.

 andreusK from Getty Images Pro via Canva